Tag Archives: Calorie

Calorie Calculator for Cycling

How many calories does cycling burn? How many calories burned cycling depends on various factors such as body weight, gender and level of fitness. Other factors such as distance and intensity also need to be taken into account. You are generally more likely to burn more calories the faster you cycle, simply because the body… Read More »

600 calorie diet vegan

The flavors of Morocco—spice, lemons, and olives—shine through in this easy, nutritious bowl. Red bell pepper. So when a couple of friends told me about their successes with this diet, I ordered the book that very day and just went for it. Try our low calorie, vegan miso shiitake mushroom ramen for an easy dinner… Read More »

What is a low calorie diet

For people who’ve tried a low-calorie diet in the past, the thought of cutting calories each day probably brings back bad memories. Most diets involve reducing calories in some way or another: Some introduce foods that fill you up faster but contain fewer calories, such as fruits and vegetables in place of processed foods. Other… Read More »

Intermittent Fasting No Better Than Other Calorie Restriction Diets

Scientists have concluded that intermittent fasting, also referred to as the 5:2 diet or the 16:8 diet, does help with weight loss, but it’s no better than conventional calorie restriction diets for losing weight. An example of an intermittent fasting diet is feasting for 8 hours and then fasting for 16 hours. Some intermittent fasting… Read More »