Pregnancy Exercise (Yoga)

By | October 1, 2018

Most of the woman want to spend their time relaxing when they become pregnant. They want to reduce their hard-core activities. As a matter of fact, they must restrict activities such as lifting heavy and bulky items, working for long hours or perform work that involves a lot of mental energy. But yet, they must still continue some activities and should spend at least time performing physical exercises. Medical experts suggest many exercises to woman during pregnancy known as yoga. Pregnancy Exercise (Yoga)
Most of the woman want to spend their time relaxing when they become pregnant. They want to reduce their hard-core activities. As a matter of fact, they must restrict activities such as lifting heavy and bulky items, working for long hours or perform work that involves a lot of mental energy. But yet, they must still continue some activities and should spend at least time performing physical exercises. Medical experts suggest many exercises to woman during pregnancy known as yoga.
Advantages of Yoga
Yoga Asanas are really well-suited to pregnant woman because they produce tremendous effect on woman’s health. Woman feels very comfortable while performing the Asanas. Woman remains active throughout her pregnancy and she can reduce the complications that can occur during labor period. besides experiencing a smooth pregnancy period, she can restore her body shape very quickly after the process of childbirth. Her chances of normal childbirth also increase.
There are several advantages of performing yoga during pregnancy. Symptoms like edema and cramping usually appear during the last month of pregnancy. But if she is performing yoga regularly, she can drastically reduce the chances of developing them. Yoga influences the position of the baby. The baby is suppose to develop in a scalpel position and if a woman if unhealthy the baby may develop in a breach or any wrong position. Yoga usually produces a massaging effect on the abdomen and hence the appetite during this period increases. The functions of the bowel also becomes smooth.
The energy levels in the body as well as mental energy level increases as the metabolism rate becomes slower.
Some of the signs that are usually noticed in a woman during pregnancy are vomiting, morning sickness, mood swings etc. all these symptoms can even disappear when she regularly performs yoga.When she performs yoga, the pelvis area opens to make the labor more easier. the tension between the area of the cervix and birth canal reduces.
Yoga brings many advantages to the woman even after the process of childbirth. She shall minimally face the problems of back tension and breast discomfort.
A woman must consult an expert physician before starting any yoga Asanas. She must be aware of the proper techniques of yoga. People who are well-trained in Yoga usually divide the Asanas according to trimesters. Yoga Asanas that are practiced during the first three months of pregnancy may not be practiced during the remaining six months. The exercises to be performed during the last months may be completely different from the asanas that were practiced during the earlier days. Gradually, the chemical changes in the body take place after every months.

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Here are some of the Asanas that should be practiced by a pregnant woman to undergo a safe and a smooth delivery.
Different yoga’s or positions
Titali Asana or a butterfly position.
After performing this Asana, you will experience a lot of comfort around your hip area and inner thigh area. Henceforth your leg movements will also become quicker and easy. It is a position that stretches your knees and groin area. If you regularly practice this position right from the first trimester, then your process of childbirth will be much easier.

This exercise should be done in the following way:

Take a mat and sit on it with your legs stretched. Then hold your ankles with your hands and slowly pull your leg inwards so that your heels touch your pelvic area. In this way, now try to push your knees outwards. When you are performing this exercise, you must try to touch your knees to the mat. But you will not be able to do it perfectly unless you have enough practice.
If you find it difficult then you can do it just with one leg first and then do it with the other leg. Perform this asana very carefully and do not involve much strain while performing it.
Sit down and stretch your legs about three feet from each other and slowly brings your legs inwards facing the groin area. When the heels touch each other, the toes must face outward. Place your hands in front of the adjoining heels. Squat your legs for sometime. Try to keep your knees flat on the floor. After doing it for few seconds, then stand up for sometime. Then continue this exercise for 15 to 20 minutes. Some woman have already experienced excellent results after performing these Asanas. Some of the woman who continuously performed these Asanas experienced just 3-hour labor.
Cat Postion or Marjari Asana.
Before beginning this exercise, sit down in a Vajarasana. It is a position where you sit down with your buttocks on the heels. Bend forward and raise yourself in a cat position. In other words, lean on your palms. You are leaning in a cat position now. Slowly move backward and forward. Then raise your head and concentrate on your breath.
Repeat this exercise for about six times. This position makes your neck area more supple and your shoulders remain in great shape.
The supply of oxygen into the body while performing the exercises is smooth and it helps in smooth functioning of all the organs in the body. the reproductive system in the body works very smoothly and the supply of blood and nutrients to the foetus is also smooth.
Yoga works wonders for a pregnant woman from the physiological perspective. Her mind becomes very calm and her concentration power increases. She feels blissful and can influence the child’s character.
There are some methods of deep relaxation which should be practiced by her. Deep relaxation or Yoga nidra is a position which is practiced by deep breath.
There are some positions which should not be practiced such as back exercises during the first triminster, exercises that involve stretching muscles very much, etc. if the exercises are leading to strain then your uterus may expand and hence your connective tissue will soften.
The benefits that yoga offers are:
improves blood circulation.
Reduces anxiety and nervousness.
Reduces the problem of fluid retention.
Relieves from aches and pains.

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By: herry sunemy polesh

Yoga Asanas are really well-suited to pregnant woman because they produce tremendous effect on woman’s health. Woman feels very comfortable while performing the Asanas. Woman remains active throughout her pregnancy and she can reduce the complications that can occur during labor period.

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Article Tags: pregnancy health , health and fitness

Submitted On Jul 24, 2018. Viewed 116 times.

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