Blue Light Is Causing Blindness

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published August 29, 2018. Before the invention and distribution of artificial lighting, the sun was the major source of light and determined how people spent their evenings. It is easy to take for granted the extended days and added lighting. However, humans and animals are… Read More »

The Great Mask Masquerade

Will the mandatory masking that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic go down as another blunder in U.S. history, one that caused far more harm than good? Only time will tell, but there are signs pointing in that direction. In a recently released letter obtained from the National Institutes of Health, Michael Osterholm, director of… Read More »

oneM2M specifications approved by more than 190 ITU member countries as ITU standard to simplify IoT adoption

More than 190 ITU-T member countries have approved oneM2M specifications as ITU standard, simplifying the IoT ecosystem lifecycle by minimizing development, deployment, and maintenance costs. The ITU-T’s SG20 Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities and communities (SC&C) approved oneM2M’s security specifications for IoT systems as part of the ITU-T Y.4500.3 series, making the entire… Read More »