Tag Archives: Causes

Pre testicular causes of male infertility

Male sterility may be caused by several reasons, such as: endocrine factors, testicular factors, post-testicular factors, or sperm factors. Evidence that male smoking affects the likelihood of a pregnancy following IVF treatment: application of the modified cumulative embryo score. Avoiding excessive heat to the testes. IVF-ICSI is a treatment option for males with azoospermia, yielding… Read More »

What are the causes of diuretics

Are there any medicines, some of these are prescribed as eye drops rather than tablets. These include beta, answer A diuretic such of spironolactone may help to relieve symptoms such causes bloating and mood swings during your period. You may also need to stop taking certain vitamin supplements – the following page sections include static… Read More »

What causes hair loss under arms

In the West, the practice what causes hair loss under arms for cosmetic reasons around 1915 in the United States and United Kingdom, when one or more magazines showed a woman in a dress with shaved underarms. Do not copy or redistribute in any form! A hair growth cycle consists of three phases. The skin… Read More »

What causes upper leg joint pain

You can’t start sports or activities until you are completely free of pain and allowed by your doctor. Pregnancy During pregnancy, many women experience pain in the thigh. This is common when you engage in strenuous activities such as kicking and running. Normally, bone infection or osteomyelitis can be chronic or acute, what causes upper… Read More »

What causes of antibiotic resistance

Although AMR arises naturally as bacteria encounter antibiotics, the overconsumption of these medicines is accelerating the process. Antibiotic resistance is a natural occurrence caused by mutations in bacteria’s genes. If you stop treatment too soon, some bacteria may survive and re-infect you. The overuse of antibiotics — especially taking antibiotics even when they’re what causes… Read More »