Get your workspace organised for your DIY vehicle project

By | May 28, 2020

They are situated so far north that during the winter months these particular DIY enthusiasts will spend them inside heated sheds and garages instead of on snow-covered race tracks (which get closed anyway) and potentially-icy public roads.

They use this time to construct some of the most epic vehicular creations on the planet, and may spend multiple garage seasons working to complete each of them.

Their skills develop over time, and they eventually reach a level where friends can help each other with various construction or fabrication sub-projects.

If you’re currently fortunate enough to have space at home to work on your projects, whether they are motoring related or not, now is a good time to take the opportunity to make some much-needed progress on them.


Studies have shown that disorganised spaces are better for creativity. However, this can be murder on productivity, and in sheds this can also be bad for safety.

First off, you need space to safely move around the project, and the workbenches.

Declutter and use this as a chance to at least separate anything you no longer need, or won’t need for a long time.

Find another place to leave it that either won’t become a hazard anyway (such as snakes, spiders or tripping on it), or shelter it adequately elsewhere for later use. You may have a little room under the house. Or perhaps install another small garden shed for keeping things dry. Shelves also offer a practical solution to get items off the floor.

It doesn’t have to look neat, but you do need to have a system. It must be orderly enough that you don’t spend half your shed time looking for the next thing you need to use. Make sure you know where things are, and that especially includes having a place for your various tools (and always put them back where they go after use).

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Also give special consideration to where anything flammable, especially things like fuel, are kept. Ensure that sparks from your power tools like the welder or grinder can go nowhere near them.


There are still options available to you for as long as businesses are trading and couriers can operate. That goes for parts, safety gear, tools and consumables. Try to support local businesses by calling them or using their websites first, then go further afield as needed.

Whole vehicles are also very useful for more ambitious projects. The tens of thousands of vehicles written off by hail storms in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra in January are still being cleared by auction houses.

The closure of borders could also mean less competition when bidding on something that takes your interest in your home state.

Attending the auction itself isn’t currently allowed so for as long as they can continue to operate all bidding is online, and there are countless bargains to be had. However, you also need to consider how you will collect it or who could on your behalf (the local towie should have an excuse – ie. working – that your trailer-owning mate may not have).

First off, whatever that thing you bought is, when it arrives leave it somewhere nobody will touch it long enough for any contamination to die (depends on the surface and conditions as to how long is needed) and then wash your hands immediately.

The last thing you want is the need to be rushed to emergency when medical resources are already stretched enough to cancel most elective surgeries.

Wear all the right gear (seriously; don’t do anything without it), and follow all the correct procedures. Don’t get under a vehicle on jacks, and don’t even attempt anything you’re not already confident with or would need extra people for. The mates you might ordinarily have over to help should be in their own sheds being just as careful.

The Star – The Star Life