Tag Archives: than

Sleeping less than six hours and heart disease, stroke – deadly combo

Study Highlight: Middle-aged adults with high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease or stroke could be at increased risk for cancer and early death when sleeping less than 6 hours per day. DALLAS – Middle-aged adults with high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease or stroke could be at high risk for cancer and early death when sleeping… Read More »

Dual eligible MA beneficiaries receive better care at lower costs than FFS

Dive Brief: Beneficiaries eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid who choose privately run Medicare coverage, called Medicare Advantage, receive more care and a higher quality of care while costing their insurers less, according to a new analysis from healthcare consulting firm Avalere. Dual eligible beneficiaries attended roughly 12% more office visits than their counterparts in… Read More »

United States remains the largest market for medical devices, at more than $150 billion

Medical device and technology development is an area in which U.S. companies are at the forefront. According to a SelectUSA.gov publication, America has the largest medical device market in the world. It has a market size of around $ 156 billion, and it represented about 40 percent of the global medical device market in 2017.… Read More »