Tag Archives: disease

Sleeping less than six hours and heart disease, stroke – deadly combo

Study Highlight: Middle-aged adults with high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease or stroke could be at increased risk for cancer and early death when sleeping less than 6 hours per day. DALLAS – Middle-aged adults with high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease or stroke could be at high risk for cancer and early death when sleeping… Read More »

Vegetarian diet linked with 22 per cent lower risk of heart disease

By Adam Vaughan Are vegetarian diets better for the heart?Westend61/Getty Eating a vegetarian diet rather than consuming meat has been linked with a significantly lower risk of coronary heart disease. While the environmental case for going vegetarian is unequivocal and powerful, the long-term health impacts of adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet are still poorly… Read More »

CDC, state health officials investigating link between vaping and severe lung disease

States with the most cases include Wisconsin, with 15 confirmed cases and 15 more under investigation, according to CNN’s survey. Illinois has 10 confirmed cases, while 12 more are under investigation. California is looking into 19 such cases. The New York State Department of Health said Friday it was “actively investigating” 11 cases. Indiana and… Read More »

Developing New Guidelines on Lyme Disease

For all of you with strong opinions and relevant experiences regarding Lyme disease, the public comment period on the 2019 Draft Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease has been extended until Sept. 9. The guidelines are not final yet — that’s the whole point of a public comment period — but… Read More »