Osteopathic massage is a form of holistic massage. It encompasses the principles of both osteopathy and remedial massage. Osteo massage is a “whole body” massage involving a variety of stretching exercises and osteopathic practices. The objective is to achieve healthy joint positioning that will promote overall wellbeing. More… The osteo massage usually occurs in an… Read More »

'Fussy eater' (17) left blind and deaf after diet of chips, sausages and crisps

A teenager has been left blind and partially deaf after living off a diet of chips, sausages and crisps. The British 17-year-old’s diet was so bad he suffered from a condition normally only seen in malnourished third-world children. Researchers from Bristol Eye Hospital have published a report into the boy’s case, which believed to be the first… Read More »

How to get rid of visceral fat: Best diet to reduce the dangerous belly fat – foods to eat

Visceral fat is deemed harmful because it’s stored in the abdominal cavity next to many vital organs. If visceral fat is left to build-up, a person’s risk of developing serious conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, is increased. So what can you do to reduce it? Eating high amount of saturated fat… Read More »

Vegetarian diet linked with 22 per cent lower risk of heart disease

By Adam Vaughan Are vegetarian diets better for the heart?Westend61/Getty Eating a vegetarian diet rather than consuming meat has been linked with a significantly lower risk of coronary heart disease. While the environmental case for going vegetarian is unequivocal and powerful, the long-term health impacts of adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet are still poorly… Read More »