Tag Archives: risk

Getting a ‘Hollywood’ wax may not increase STI risk, after all

Many health and hygiene guides advise women, in particular, to avoid shaving or waxing all or most of their pubic hair to maintain their “natural barrier” against sexually transmitted infections. But is this a misconception? Completely removing pubic hair most likely does not influence the risk of STIs, according to recent findings. Many women, often… Read More »

Vegetarian diet linked with 22 per cent lower risk of heart disease

By Adam Vaughan Are vegetarian diets better for the heart?Westend61/Getty Eating a vegetarian diet rather than consuming meat has been linked with a significantly lower risk of coronary heart disease. While the environmental case for going vegetarian is unequivocal and powerful, the long-term health impacts of adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet are still poorly… Read More »