Tag Archives: less

Why do women have less sex as they age?

As women get older, they tend to have less sex. They may also find it less enjoyable than before. So far, studies have explained these tendencies by pointing the finger at physiological changes during and after menopause. What are the other factors? What prevents a woman from having sex or enjoying sex later in life?… Read More »

Links between stigma, suicidal thoughts and less HIV testing in Nigerian men who have sex with men

The qualitative subsample differed in that they were more likely to be in the medium or high stigma classes, to have experienced suicidal ideation (46%), to have had an HIV test (75%), and were older on average than the quantitative sample. Qualitative findings revealed that stigma resulted in isolation, emotional distress, avoidant behavior, enduring feelings… Read More »

Women With Heart Emergencies Less Likely to Get Proper Care

Image Women with cardiac emergencies are less likely than men to receive proper treatment when the ambulance arrives, a new study reports. The analysis, in Women’s Health Issues, used four years of data from a federal government database to compile information on out-of-hospital emergencies involving people 40 and older with chest pain or cardiac arrest.… Read More »