Health information exchange helps medical group find success with value-based care

Wes Combs is chief information officer at Holston Medical Group in Kingsport, Tennessee, which serves northeast Tennessee, southwest Virginia, and Charlotte, North Carolina. He’s also president of OnePartner Health Information Exchange, based in Duffield, Virginia. The HIE was started by several doctors at Holston Medical Group as an investment to support and improve the doctor-patient… Read More »

What should you do if your blood pressure medication has been recalled?

Over the past several months, you may have heard that the FDA has recalled certain lots of angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) medications due to the presence of impurities. These contaminants — nitrosamine impurities — may occur as a byproduct of the manufacturing process. They include N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) and N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), which can potentially cause… Read More »