Diabetic diet for a1c of 10.5

Remember that a number is just that — a number. I started out by eliminating the usual starchy and sugary suspects from my diet that cause BG spikes: potatoes, rice, breads, cereals, pasta, beans except green beans, all fruit except berries, desserts, pastries, candies, etc. Using 0 of Possible characters. There are many tea varieties… Read More »

Diet that is gluten free and dairy free

Suggested Citation: Garko, Michael , August. Gluten-free and dairy-free diets. Retrieved from Wheaties was and still is based on the marketing the Breakfast of Champions. And serving the two together was among the healthiest and most nutritious things parents could do for their children. As an aside, as a kid I always found Wheaties Champions… Read More »

GenderSci Lab finds more than biology influences COVID risk

More men than women are dying of COVID-19. Some scientists think sex-specific hormones explain this difference, but researchers at Harvard say we need to look closely at how biology and social context affect health in people of all genders. To do that, the Harvard GenderSci Lab created the US Gender/Sex COVID-19 Data Tracker. Sarah Richardson,… Read More »

Plant based diet breakdown of nutrients

Patterns of families and other colleagues who may be based to support the efforts nutrients individuals diet are trying to change are a challenge to be overcome. Some foods fortified with vitamin B include nutritional yeast, breakfast cereals, meat based and non-dairy milk. Plant-based diets may offer an advantage over those that are not plant… Read More »