Tag Archives: Taking

Can taking diabetes quiz

Matsko is a retired Physician based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It reflects your average sugar levels over the past 3 months, rather than a simple glucose test which is a one-time measurement of your sugar levels. Find a solution that works for you. If you need advice once a… Read More »

Dear Dr Nina: My husband is worried about taking cholesterol medication as he’s heard about some potential side effects

Statins have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole Dear Dr Nina: My husband is worried about taking cholesterol medication as he’s heard about some potential side effects Independent.ie Q My 56-year-old husband was recently diagnosed with high cholesterol. However, he is unhappy about taking statins, as prescribed by his GP, as… Read More »

Study sees limited risk in taking ondansetron during first trimester of pregnancy

Ondansetron (Zofran) is commonly and increasingly prescribed during pregnancy to relieve nausea. In 2014, an estimated 22 percent of pregnant women in the U.S. used the drug at some point during their pregnancy. Despite its prevalence, data on the safety of the drug and any effects on the developing fetus have been limited, with small-scale… Read More »