Tag Archives: Most

The most expensive medicine ever treats a rare condition. The price: $2.13 million – Los Angeles Times

Evelyn Villarreal was one of the first children treated, at 8 weeks. Her family, from Centreville, Va., had lost their first child to spinal muscular atrophy at 15 months. Two years later when Evelyn was born a test showed she also had the disease, so the family enrolled her in the gene therapy study at… Read More »

Premium rates increasing faster than incomes for most in US

Dive Brief: The average healthcare cost burden for families increased from 28% to 30% of income nationally between 2010 and 2016, according to a new Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics and United States of Care report on employer-sponsored health insurance. That includes premiums of nearly $ 18,000 on average. However, the percentage varies depending on… Read More »