Paleo diet: Breakfast, lunch and dinner meal plan for popular weight loss diet – Express

Paleo diet devotees aim to eat as naturally as possible, with the aim being to follow a meal plan as close to the one eaten by man’s ancestors as possible. This loosely translates to a low carb diet high in animal protein, although some prefer a high card diet with plenty of plant based foods.… Read More »

Daily on Healthcare: Focus on ‘Medicare for all’ carries risk for Republicans…Obamacare enrollment still lagging with days to go…

Be more of an insider. Get the Washington Examiner Magazine, Digital Edition now. SIGN UP! If you’d like to continue receiving Washington Examiner’s Daily on Healthcare newsletter, SUBSCRIBE HERE: Focus on ‘Medicare for all’ carries risk for Republicans. Republicans from President Trump on down have sought to define Democrats around proposals to extend Medicare… Read More »