As renewed debate over health care reform begins to simmer in Washington, can journalists give the topic the attention it needs?

Dec. 14th’s lower court ruling that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is unconstitutional has again thrust health care back on the national agenda. It also gives journalists a chance to redeem themselves from what I have argued has been poor news coverage that helped fuel the public backlash against the law from the beginning. A lot… Read More »

Cooking Ramen Noodles on Nails is The Latest Manicure Trend That’s Making Us Lose Our Appetite

Ramen Nail art. (Photo Credit: Instagram/NailSunny) If functional nail arts were to appear for an exam,  the bizarre ramen noodle art will pass with flying colours. Nail art mogul Nail Sunny shocked us with this bizarre Instagram post, which evidently satiates your style sense and hunger.  Yes! You read that right. This strangely creative nail… Read More »

Air travel tips for people with hearing loss

It’s no secret that air travel has become more unpleasant in recent years. Oversold flights, minimal food service and airlines’ desire to squeeze more passengers in by eliminating legroom are just a few of the indignities travelers must suffer in order to get to their destinations. You do not need to remove your hearing aids while going through… Read More »