4 Women With Lives Scarred by Genital Cutting: Could a Surgeon Heal Them?

­PHILADELPHIA — She called it her “deepest, darkest secret,” one she had never even shared with her husband. When Saffiatu Sillah was growing up in the West African nation of Sierra Leone, her clitoris was cut off in a ritual circumcision. She was left with scar tissue that caused pain during sex and agony during… Read More »

Mumps – is it the forgotten disease?

There has been a sharp increase in cases of mumps this year in England – but the viral illness which can cause swollen glands (and, more rarely, testes) has been around for a very long time. Way back in the 5th Century BC, Hippocrates is thought to be the first person to have recorded the… Read More »

Senate health committee takes on surprise bills, price transparency in legislative package

Dive Brief: The leaders of the Senate HELP Committee on Thursday proposed a wide-ranging and ambitious package of healthcare bills, including measures addressing surprise medical billing, price transparency, interoperability, drug costs and public health. One bill put forward would require commercial insurers to make claims data and expected out-of-pocket costs available to patients through application… Read More »