In Brief: CBT Effective for Menopausal Symptoms, Including Depression

Up to 80% of women experience symptoms as they transition into the menopause, including vasomotor symptoms, sleep disturbance, and depressive symptoms.  While hormone replacement therapy and certain medications may be helpful, these interventions may have side effects.   In a recent study, 71 peri- or postmenopausal women who were seeking treatment for menopausal symptoms, including vasomotor… Read More »

CDC, state health officials investigating link between vaping and severe lung disease

States with the most cases include Wisconsin, with 15 confirmed cases and 15 more under investigation, according to CNN’s survey. Illinois has 10 confirmed cases, while 12 more are under investigation. California is looking into 19 such cases. The New York State Department of Health said Friday it was “actively investigating” 11 cases. Indiana and… Read More »

12 High-Protein, Low-Carb Foods to Help You Lose Weight

These high-protein, low-carb foods will help you stay fuller for longer—and could ultimately help you lose weight. The benefits of high-protein, low carb foods Maren Winter/Shutterstock High-protein, low-carb foods have become popular, thanks to trendy diets like ketogenic, paleo, and Atkin’s. And the reason why this type of diet—eating foods higher in one macronutrient and… Read More »