B.C. medicare ruling clashes with 2005 Supreme Court decision that said Quebec can’t ban private health insurance

Article content continued But there were nuances. Three of the seven judges said the insurance ban violated section-7 of the Charter, while one just said it breached a similar section of the Quebec bill of rights and declined to deal with the Charter. Three judges dissented, which meant there was a three-three tie on the… Read More »

Lots of deep sleep can delay onset of dementia because brain ‘washes itself’

Getting a good night’s sleep can delay the onset of dementia later in life, scientists have discovered. How people slumber can be used as a “crystal ball” to predict if they will be hit by Alzheimer’s disease in the future, according to the researchers. Plenty of deep sleep was found to best delay the onset… Read More »

Frog diet frog food chain

The call or croak of a frog is unique to its species. Most toads and some frogs have large poison glands, the parotoid glands, located on the sides of their heads behind the eyes and other glands elsewhere on their bodies. Many frogs return to the bodies of water in which they developed as larvae.… Read More »