‘Unexpected finding’ killed vaccine trial

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on Friday it has terminated its $ 1 billion deal for the vaccine candidate being developed by the University of Queensland (UQ) and global biotech company CSL because trial participants were returning false-positive HIV test results. There were fears these results could undermine confidence in other vaccine candidates, so the… Read More »

Hospital decision ‘breaks my heart’

A woman whose life was saved by one of Sydney’s largest hospitals has said she is “devastated” by its plans to shut down an iconic business in the surrounding community which she used to frequent to take her mind of her agonising treatment. Neoni Banks, from Canberra, has called on St Vincent’s hospital to reverse… Read More »

Big unknown about vaccination

The admission came from Pfizer chairman Albert Bourla who told US media the pharmaceutical company was “not certain” if the vaccine prevented the coronavirus from being transmitted. “This is something that needs to be examined,” he told Dateline.  “We are not certain about that right now with what we know.” This week, the UK became… Read More »

Rectal STIs are still not being diagnosed in many European cities, due to inadequate screening

Despite improvements in the quality of sexual health screening over the past decade, men who have sex with men living in many European cities report not having tests that would detect rectal gonorrhoea or chlamydia, data from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS) show. Improvements have mostly been seen in western Europe, with gaps most… Read More »