Category Archives: News

In Brief: Being An Older Dad Associated with Worse Pregnancy Outcomes

This study is something to keep in mind when we evaluate neonatal outcomes in mothers taking psychotropic medication.  We typically consider maternal, but not paternal, characteristics as factors which may affect neonatal outcomes; however, this large study published in BMJ indicates that the age of the father may also affect neonatal outcomes.   Researchers examined… Read More »

Shoppers takes page from Big Pharma, sponsors talks for doctors on medical cannabis, which it plans to sell

The pharmaceutical industry has done it for years, officially to educate doctors, unofficially to convince them to prescribe more of their medicines. Now the practice of company-sponsored seminars by specialists known in the drug business as “key opinion leaders” — and criticized as salespeople in disguise – has come to the burgeoning world of medical… Read More »

Healthcare will spend the most on R&D of any industry by 2020, says PwC

Right now, the healthcare industry ranks second among all industries when it comes to the amount it spends on research and development, but it likely won’t stay that way for long. New research from PricewaterhouseCoopers projects healthcare will take the top spot by 2020. Healthcare currently ranks below the computing and electronics industry worldwide, based… Read More »

Weight during adolescence may affect pancreatic cancer risk in adulthood

New research has linked adolescent obesity with up to a four-fold increased risk of pancreatic cancer later in life. The study’s results also suggest that overweight and even higher weight within the “normal” weight range in men may increase pancreatic cancer risk in a graded manner. The findings are published early online in CANCER, a… Read More »