Summer Ball Squat Circuit

By | August 22, 2018

Summer is in full swing and so is my annual Summer Squat Challenge. Regardless of whether you are on board and rocking 100 squats a day, this is a fun (and challenging) circuit to make your booty (and shoulders) scream. You hear the comments that squats are where it’s at when it comes to shaping your lower body, especially if you have limited to no gym access. I couldn’t agree more. When it comes to shaping your lower body, squats play a huge role in building and toning your limbs. The key is adding a variety of squats so your body keeps responding. I want to show you a variety of squat variations using only an exercise ball; I also used my kids’ ladybug ball. Not only will you get a killer booty burn out of this circuit, but you will also boost your heart rate and burn body fat for hours after. Let’s do this!

Do all 10 reps of the following exercises; rest and repeat.

Ball Squats: Start with your feet positioned just about shoulder-width apart and holding on to an exercise ball, allowing it to hang down with your arms straight. As you squat down into the bottom of a squat, simultaneously bring the ball up over your head. As you rise back up, drop the ball down and allow your arms to hang in front of you, in the starting position. Repeat the movement for a total of 10 reps.

Overhead Ball Squats: Start with your feet positioned just about shoulder-width apart and holding on to an exercise ball, directly over your head. Lower down into the bottom of a squat, keeping your arms straight and over your head during the entire movement. Rise back up to the starting position, keeping your arms locked and engaged the entire time. Repeat the movement for a total of 10 reps.

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Narrow-Stance Squats With Arms Out: Start with a narrow stance (about 6 inches apart), feet positioned just within shoulder-width distance. Bring the exercise ball directly out in front of you so your arms are parallel to the ground. Lower down into a low squat and then rise back up to the starting position, keep the ball in the same position for the entire 10 reps.

Ball Dome Squats: Start in the bottom of a lunge, holding an exercise ball down so your arms are straight and alongside your bent leg. Slowly rise while simultaneously bringing the ball up and over your head, rotating your feet to face the other side. As you pivot your feet and start to lower to drop into a lunge on the opposite side, the ball will follow and arms will end straight down alongside your opposite bent leg. Repeat, moving from side to side until you complete 10 total reps.

Overhead Lunges: Start with a super wide stance with your body facing sideways. Bring the exercise ball directly up over your head, and then lower down into a low lunge. Keeping your arms up over your head, rise up to the starting position and then repeat. Do all 10 reps on one side and then shift to the other side to do an additional 10 reps.

Overhead Ball Pulse Squats: Start with your feet positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and holding on to an exercise ball directly over your head. Lower down into the bottom of a squat, keeping your arms straight and over your head for the entire movement. Using your heels, rise back up only halfway and then back down to the bottom of a low squat. Repeat the movement for a total of 10 overhead pulse squats.

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Rest and repeat the circuit 1x

Dig deep and I can’t wait to hear what you think!

FitnessRX for Women