6 Ways to Manage Your Blood Sugar When you have Diabetes

By | August 22, 2018

Diabetes is a word that everyone has heard of. Many people suffer from diabetes every year. Diabetes can be deadly and can cause serious complications when you do not manage your blood sugar well. Keeping your blood sugar in a good range can sometimes be a daunting task and stressful. Many things can change your blood sugar levels such as the foods that you eat, and even when you are sick. You may think that it is difficult to manage your diabetes, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are 6 ways to manage your blood sugar when you have diabetes:

1. Check Your Blood Sugar Regularly

close-up-of-male-finger-with-blood-and-testMonitoring your blood sugar is one of the most imperative things you should do when you have diabetes. You should check your blood sugar before you eat and an hour after you eat. This will give you a general idea of how the food that you eat is affecting your blood sugar. Many people with diabetes do not like to prick themselves daily.

That is why it is important to prick yourself with your needle on the side of your finger. Doing this will make the pain minimum. It is important to make sure that you replace your glucose meter yearly, and change the batteries when they are low. You should keep your strips in the container that it comes in, and if you drop any strips on the floor throw them away. Just a little damage can cause you to have a bad reading.

2. Eat Healthy Foods When you are Diabetic

glucometer-for-checking-sugar-level-bloodWithout eating healthy, it would be hard to manage your blood sugar when you are diabetic. Your diet plays an important part of the regularity of your blood sugar readings. It is important to cut out sugary drinks, carbs, sugar, and eat low-fat foods. You should eat more fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains.

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The key to managing your diabetes is portion control. You can still enjoy the foods that you love just in moderation, but you should mainly stick to eating healthy. The best thing to do is to see a nutritionist. Your nutritionist can come up with a plan for your diabetes based on your weight and physical activity. He or she can help you keep your blood sugar in the normal range. If you cannot see a nutritionist, it is important to educate yourself on the foods that are good for diabetes. When you have a balanced diet, you will begin to see a positive difference in your blood sugar readings.

3. Exercise to Manage Your Blood Sugar when you are Diabetic

physical-exerciseA lot of people do not like to exercise. Some people think that exercising is a chore, but exercising can be beneficial for your health. Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day can help you maintain your blood sugar. You don’t have to do any strenuous exercises; you can simply walk around your neighborhood or at a park.

It is good to also get your heart rate up once in a while, so taking aerobic classes such as Zumba, or even running on a treadmill can help your blood sugar stay under control. If you do not enjoy working out, you can invite a friend to workout with you or play some music that will get your heart pumping. Exercising will help improve your mood, all while keeping your diabetes under control. Remember to talk to your doctor before you start any exercise program.

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4. Take Your Medication

senior-woman-holding-yoga-mat-over-whiteTaking your diabetic medication as prescribed will make a big difference in managing your blood sugar. Insulin was created to lower your blood sugar levels when you cannot manage your blood sugar with just your diet and exercise. Some best practices are to store your medication at the right temperature, be careful with new prescriptions, and talk to your doctor if you have any concerns or problems with your medication. Medications that you take for other health issues can affect your diabetes. That is why it is important to keep an open line of communication when you manage your blood sugar when you are diabetic.

5. Manage Your Stress

stressed-business-executive-and-pilesStress can cause your blood sugar levels to rise because of the hormones that your body is known to produce. It may also be hard to stick to a healthy eating plan and exercise plan if you are stressed. That is why you should recognize your symptoms when you are getting stressed. Once you realize your stress patterns, you should learn different ways to cope. Relaxation techniques and meditation can help you manage your stress level so you can keep your blood sugar at a normal reading. If you have a hard time controlling your stress you can talk to a therapist or someone who cares about you.

6.Build Your Immune System

healthy-trail-runningBeing sick is one of the worst things to be when you have diabetes. When you are ill your body releases stress-related hormones that will help your body fight your illness. Although these stress-related hormones help you get well, they can also cause your blood sugar to become high. Not only will your blood sugar become high, but you may be to sick to eat or exercise.

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Taking your vitamins can prevent you from getting sick, and can make you get over it quickly when you are ill. It is also good to talk to your doctor about what you should do when you are sick. Coming up with a plan will help you manage your blood sugar successfully when you are under the weather. Continue to take your insulin and diabetic medication as prescribed, and contact your doctor if you can’t keep your food down.

Managing your diabetes does not have to be a daunting task. When you manage your blood sugar when you have diabetes, it will be easier to cope with your illness. These tips will help you keep your blood sugar regulated, and under control. Remember to always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your treatment plan. You can live a long and healthy life when you take care of your diabetes the right way.

Jacqueline Mayfield is a freelance writer. She knows how it is to struggle with diabetes. Over the years she has found ways to manage her diabetes in a healthy way. She loves to help other people that struggle with diabetes and give them hope that they can keep their diabetes under control. You can follow her on twitter @jacquelinevm89

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