Prostate cancer warning: Three signs you MUST know about – does your urine look like this?

By | November 2, 2018

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer to be diagnosed in men, in the UK.

It’s caused by a tumour growing on the prostate gland – a small gland in the pelvis of men.

The cancer doesn’t usually cause any symptoms until the tumour has grown large enough to put pressure on the urethra.

When that happens, you may have some key warning signs when you pass urine.

If your urine appears to have a red tinge to its colour, you could be at risk of prostate cancer.

The reddish colour could be the result of blood in the urine, which is one of the most common signs of the disease.

Passing more urine than normal should also be seen by a doctor, said the American Cancer Society.

Needing the loo more frequently, especially at night time, could be caused by the tumour pressing on the urethra.

Having a slow or weak urine stream could also be warning signs of the deadly cancer.

“Early prostate cancer usually causes no symptoms. More advanced prostate cancers sometimes cause symptoms,” said the American Cancer Society.

“Most of these problems are more likely to be caused by something other than prostate cancer.

“For example, trouble urinating is much more often caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia [BPH], a non-cancerous growth of the prostate.

“Still, it’s important to tell your health care provider if you have any of these symptoms so that the cause can be found and treated, if needed.”

Finding blood in your semen, or feeling like the bladder is never truly empty, could also be warning signs of the condition.

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If the cancer spreads to other parts of the body, patients may develop bone or back pain.

A pain in the testicles, a loss of appetite, or unexplained weight loss should also be seen by a GP.

Adding more fruit and vegetables to your diet could help to prevent prostate cancer.

They’re full of vitamins and nutrients that are believed to reduce the risk of the disease.

Around 50,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in the UK every year.

Daily Express :: Health Feed