Um, Can You Still Get Your Period While You’re Pregnant?

One of the perks of pregnancy—you know, other than no one judging your weird Pringles-dipped-in-hot-sauce cravings—is that your period is basically MIA for months, right? Technically, yes. You definitely don’t menstruate (a.k.a., shed blood and tissue from your uterus) each month, but that doesn’t mean your bathroom trips will always be blood-free (which can be scary AF). So, what… Read More »

5 Foods That Help Improve Digestion

How does improving digestion affect your health and mood? There’s often a strong connection between our mood and how our gut feels. When cramping, bloating, and stomach queasiness appear, we can often feel like it’s the worst day ever. It’s also interesting to note how much our stomach plays a critical role in the direction of… Read More »

Paddy McGuinness shows off two-stone weight loss after four month transformation

Take Me Out presenter Paddy McGuinness has revealed his body transformation after just four months of a “good diet” and training. The 45 year old took to Instagram to share the before and after pictures with his 928k followers. Paddy revealed he got down to 12% body fat and weighed 78.7kg in the after image.… Read More »

Are You Surrounded and Stressed by Clutter?

When you look around your home, is your mind sidelined by stacks of papers, piles of toys, heaps of laundry and an array of random stuff cluttering up your countertops, desk, dressers and virtually any other flat surface? Clutter is not just an eyesore but something that can have a significant effect on your mind,… Read More »