3D model aids surgeons in facilitating delicate procedure

3D printing is increasingly being used to facilitate medical procedures, with a Spanish organization saying it helped speed a cancer surgery. The Biodonostia Health Research Institute used a 3D-printed model to help surgeons plan and guide a procedure that removed more than one of a 64-year-old patient’s ribs without damaging his lungs. The use of… Read More »

Parents count cost of educating children over 13 years of school

Parents in regional NSW are paying more for a public school education than anywhere else apart from metropolitan Queensland, according to new ASG Planning for Education Index research. ASG chief executive Ross Higgins said the group’s survey showed the cost of public school education in regional NSW would be an estimated $ 73,808 over 13 years… Read More »

Epigenetic testing firms claim to help you live a healthier lifestyle

Muhdo’s epigenetic sequencing kit is launching this weekMuhdo By Graham Lawton Getting your DNA sequenced is now an everyday reality, but a new frontier has opened up in personal genomics. Two companies have started selling kits that sequence your epigenome. They claim it can deliver much more detailed and useful health advice than is possible… Read More »

Why it’s time to rethink the laws that keep our health data private – The Verge

In 1996, the year Congress passed its landmark health privacy law, there was no Apple Watch, no Fitbit, no Facebook support groups or patients tweeting about their medical care. Health data was between you, your doctor, and the health care system. More than two decades later, that law — the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability… Read More »