How a 6-year-old had half his brain removed and recovered in 3 months

David Eagleman’s book Livewired explores neuroplasticity, the brain’s superpower, which lets it reshape after extreme surgery and adapt to losing a sense Health 23 September 2020 By Clare Wilson Our brains can remake themselves to adapt to changing circumstancesAndriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images Book Livewired: The inside story of the ever-changing brain David Eagleman Canongate Books IMAGINE… Read More »

How to low carb diet without losing muscle

Decreased performance: Plain and simple, carbs provide energy to do stuff. They play an active role in hormonal balance as well, stimulating different metabolic pathways. Low carb diets have shown to drop T3 almost as fast as starvation as well as reducing testosterone, increasing cortisol stress hormone associated with weight gain, and causing amennoreah —… Read More »

Research Says These Specific Facial Expressions Mean Someone Is Definitely Interested In You, So…

Today in news-that’s-not-really news: Science officially confirms flirting works. (Science = a study conducted by researchers from the University of Kansas). But actually, there’s more to the okay/duh/obvious results. In addition to confirming that flirting is definitely A Thing and aids in showing romantic interest in someone, that same research, now published in the Journal… Read More »