Is there a diet pill that really works

In fact, many manufacturers of weight-loss supplements don’t test their products in humans before taking them to market. By Mayo Clinic Staff. Depending on the prescription, side effects of weight plil pills can include stomach pain, dry mouth, and diarrhea. Liver injury from herbal, dietary, and weight loss supplements: A review. Pros: So far as… Read More »

Trinity Professor of Immunology launches vaccine video rap to save lives

One of Ireland’s leading scientists in the field of immunology at Trinity College Dublin has launched a Vaccines Save Lives video-based campaign. Taking her youngest daughter to get her scheduled vaccines in the midst of the COVID-19 world pandemic prompted the Professor in Immunology to take a personal stance on the importance of protecting our… Read More »

Fodmap diet vs atkins diet

Studies show that the keto diet can aid in weight loss, stabilize blood sugars in the short term, and have a positive effect on mood, memory, and cognitive ability. This would be more diet sv decrease the risk for poor microbial diversity long term. Furthermore, this eating pattern fodmap be low in soluble fiber, a… Read More »