How the Car Can Help You Lose Weight

How the Car Can Help You Lose Weight How the Car Can Help You Lose Weight : People who move around town in a car move less than those who prefer walking. However, with the right approach, and the car can be an aid to your exercise routine. Let’s figure out how to achieve that. Driving… Read More »

Calorie Calculator for Cycling

How many calories does cycling burn? How many calories burned cycling depends on various factors such as body weight, gender and level of fitness. Other factors such as distance and intensity also need to be taken into account. You are generally more likely to burn more calories the faster you cycle, simply because the body… Read More »

UK burglars to wear GPS tags upon release from prison, officials say

Burglars, thieves, and robbers in the United Kingdom will be forced to wear GPS tags to track their movements as a deterrent for repeat offenses, officials said Wednesday.  Offenders who served a prison sentence of a year or more will be fitted with a tag upon their release. They will be monitored by GPS satellites 24 hours a day for… Read More »

Before and after COVID-19: How the world has changed in a year, in 37 photos

Breadcrumb Trail Links World News Health Canada This month marks the one year anniversary of Canada swiftly moving into lockdown after the World Health Organization officially declared COVID-19 a pandemic Author of the article: National Post Staff, The Canadian Press Article content On March 8, Canada recorded its first death from COVID-19, and just a… Read More »