North Dakota women could buy marijuana-infused ‘inserts’ for menstrual pain if recreational measure passes

North Dakota residents are voting to legalize recreational marijuana in November. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren) If North Dakota residents vote to next month to legalize recreational marijuana, women in the state could be able to purchase an unusual item that’s said relieve menstrual-related pain: cannabis-infused inserts. A company called Foria, which makes cannabis-infused inserts, or… Read More »

15 Foods To Avoid During Holidays

As a chef who also happens to be a health fanatic, I would say I have a love-hate relationship with the holidays. I love them because the holidays are all about delicious food which I love. Food that’s far more decadent than any other dishes you have during the rest of the year. There are… Read More »

Male Infertility – Causes and Treatment

Infertility is a condition of the reproductive system that prevents or delays pregnancy. If a couple has been unsuccessful in efforts to conceive over the course of one full year, in spite of having correctly timed and unprotected intercourse, then the couple is diagnosed with infertility. Male infertility refers to the man’s inability to impregnate… Read More »