Here's When It's Okay to Say 'I Love You' in a Relationship

Have you ever had someone who’s in love try to explain being in love to you? Yeah, it’s really annoying—primarily because they tend to dole out vague platitudes like “when you know you know,” or “it just hits you.” Thanks. Clears that right up. That said, the love-afflicted aren’t entirely wrong. As ambiguous (and frustrating)… Read More »

Mercy Hospital shooting claims lives of four, including one physician, a pharmacy resident and a police officer

A Chicago hospital became the scene of a deadly shooting Monday, when a domestic dispute that began in the hospital’s parking lot erupted into gunfire and went further when the alleged gunman ran into the hospital and opened fire. Four people are dead. Mercy Hospital identified the hospital employees killed in the shooting as Tamara… Read More »

Gun control vs. mental health care: debate after mass shootings clouds murky reality

This story is from Kaiser Health News After the recent mass shooting in Thousand Oaks, Calif., in which 11 people were killed at a country music bar, President Donald Trump struck a familiar refrain: “It’s a mental health problem,” he said of the gunman, Ian David Long. “He was a very sick puppy.” Similarly, after… Read More »