Norovirus: What are the symptoms of the winter vomiting bug and how do you treat it?

By | November 3, 2018

Norovirus is a stomach bug that causes vomiting and diarrhoea, which usually occurs during the winter.

As it’s a virus, norovirus is infectious, and can spread very easily.

How can you catch norovirus?

It’s possible to catch the virus after having close contact with someone who has it, or by touching surfaces or objects that have been touched by someone who has it.

It can also be caught by eating food that has been prepared or handled by someone with the virus.

Washing your hands frequently with soap and water is the best way to stop norovirus from spreading, according to the NHS.

The bug isn’t long-term and usually goes away in about two days, but symptoms can be very unpleasant.

What are the symptoms of norovirus?

The main symptoms of the virus are nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.

People with norovirus may also have a fever, headache or achy arms and legs.

Symptoms start suddenly, within one to two days of being infected.

How can you treat norovirus?

Norovirus can usually be treated by yourself, at home, with symptoms improving in one or two days.

According to the NHS, the most important thing to do is ensure you drink plenty of fluids, in order to avoid dehydration.

If you feel sick, take small sips at a time.

Drink water or squash, but avoid fruit juice or fizzy drinks as they can make diarrhoea worse.

It’s also important to stay at home and get plenty of rest.

The NHS advises staying off school or work until the symptoms have stopped for two days.

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Also avoid visiting anyone in hospital during this time, as this is when you are most infectious.

“You’re most infectious from when the symptoms start until two days after they’ve passed,” said the NHS.

Eat when you feel able to – you don’t need to have or avoid specific foods.

If in discomfort, take paracetamol to soothe any pain.

Daily Express :: Health Feed