Category Archives: News

The Infinigate Group Announces a New Brand for the Next Era of Expansion

Rotkreuz, Switzerland: 27/04/23. The Infinigate Group, the value-add distributor of cybersecurity, secure networks and secure cloud, is proud to announce a fresh brand, incorporating a new logo, tagline, colours and font, reflecting both its heritage and expansion and leading into a new era, as a cybersecurity distribution powerhouse across EMEA. The new brand expresses the… Read More »

Phospholipids: A Hidden Superpower for Your Health

You’ve likely heard about the many benefits of omega-3 fats for your heart, brain and more, but if you’re consuming it in supplement form, be sure it’s alongside phospholipids. Wild-caught salmon, sardines and certain other fish are excellent sources of the omega-3 fats eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).1 However, because most Americans do… Read More »

myWorld expands in Asia

myWorld, the operator of one of the largest benefit programmes in the world, will continue to expand its presence on the Asian market. Listing on the stock exchange, opening new markets and introducing innovative shopping technologies are some of the steps planned by myWorld Asia, the Kuala Lumpur-based subsidiary of the myWorld International group. myWorld… Read More »

Where Does Courage Come From?

This story, inspired by my conversation with Leslie Manookian, is about integrity, love, and spiritual spine. We all know how the past three years have been. The past three years have been tough. They have also been a dramatic litmus test for everything in our lives: our character, our relationships, and our ability to say… Read More »