What Foods Help You Poop, Herbal Remedies to Relieve Constipation Naturally?

By | October 10, 2018

Kefir, Chia Seeds, Oat Bran, Figs, lentils are foods that help you poop naturally. Arozyme capsules are the best herbal remedies to relieve constipation naturally at home. Every person, at some point in his life, has suffered from constipation. Constipation, generally, happens when you find it difficult to pass stool or you passes it less frequently then you normally do. Going 3 days without pooping is a sign of constipation. It can be treated in a lot of ways. Let us see what foods help you poop.

Constipation Symptoms:

• Passing stool less than three times a week

• Straining while passing stool

• Passing hard or lumpy stool

• Feeling as if you still need to pass stool even after pooping

• Feeling as though there is a blockage in the rectum

Constipation could be due to several reasons like drinking insufficient water, lack of fibre in diet, change in diet or diet patterns, certain medications like antidepressants, excessive laxatives, stress, nerve or muscle problems in the digestive system, inactivity, etc. There are over-the-counter drugs to cure constipation but the herbal remedies to relieve constipation naturally are safe and completely chemical free.

Most herbs contain anthraquinones which have a stimulating effect on the intestine. These natural laxatives help bring fluids into the colon and cause the intestine to squeeze, moving out bowel. Following are some of the herbal remedies to relieve constipation naturally:

• Buckthorn or CascaraSagrada- This herbal laxative irritates the colon to create bowel movements.

• Psyllium- A member of the plantain plant species, it is a natural fibre laxative.

• Slippery Elm- This herb stimulates the nerves in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to mucus production. This helps relieve constipation.

• Rhubarb- This vegetable is a natural laxative and is effective in treating constipation, as well as, diarrhoea.

• Senna- This fruit is milder than the leaf in treating constipation yet, it should not be taken for a prolonged time.

What foods help you poop?

These foods are high in fibre and help boost regularity in the bowel movement. Regular exercise and sufficient intake of water are essential, together with the following list of foods.

• Apples

• Kiwifruit

• Flaxseed

• Prunes

• Artichokes

• Pears

• Beans

• Sweet Potatoes

• Lentils

• Kefir

• Chia Seeds

• Oat Bran

• Figs

One of the best and most recommended herbal remedies to relieve constipation naturally is Arozyme Capsules. These natural pills to soften stool are 100% herbal and have no side effects. The herbal content of these pills include Hing, Haritaki, Ajwain, Saunth, Sanay, Poudina dikamali and Madhurkshar.

Arozyme capsules help in hydrating and adding bulk to the bowel to allow it to pass freely. One or two capsules can be taken daily, with water, for a minimum of 3-4 months, to see positive results. These pills are easily available online.

Following are the key features of Arozyme capsules:

• Promotes healthy and regular bowel movements

• Eliminates gas formation, abdominal pains, cramps and acid formation

• Helps in purifying blood and freeing it of harmful toxins

• Promotes healthy digestion and absorption of nutrients

• Helps in softening the stool and smooth passage

• Boosts immunity and improves energy levels

• Keeps the colon healthy

• Increases appetite

By: Gabriel Adams

Read about Herbal Remedies for Hard Stools Treatment. Also know Herbal Treatment for Constipation. Read about Natural Hard Stool Relief Cure Treatment.

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Source: http://www.articledirectoryusa.com/article/category/health-and-fitness/alternative/what-foods-help-you-poop-herbal-remedies-to-relieve-constipation-naturally/

Article Tags: what foods help you poop , herbal remedies to relieve constipation naturally

Submitted On Oct 01, 2018. Viewed 12 times.

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