Top Cataract Prevention Tips

By | November 6, 2020


Cataracts are a common eye problem that causes cloudy and blurry vision. They are prevalent in older people and often require surgery at a certain point. Despite this, it’s possible to take action early and lessen or even prevent cataracts. There are a variety of ways in which you can do this, but first, let’s take a look at what causes cataracts.


Usually, cataracts form because the tissue that makes up your eye begins to change. This can be due to aging or injury. When cataracts form the proteins in your lens begin to bunch together and eventually form a cloudy layer that impairs vision.

Certain factors put people at a higher risk of cataracts. One of these risks is exposure to the sun without eye protection, which can happen a lot throughout your life. Other risks include smoking, high blood sugar, radiation exposure, and using steroid medications.

Cataracts can occur in three different ways. Nuclear cataracts, which affect the center of the lens. Cortical cataracts, which may appear as small streaks that are more noticeable at the side of the lens. Posterior subcapsular cataracts, which form at the back of the lens and develop gradually.

Preventing cataracts, or at least reducing the severity with which they advance, is an achievable goal. So, without further ado, here are some of the top cataract prevention tips.


This may seem like an obvious cataract prevention tip, but it’s still worth mentioning. Ultraviolet light can cause cataracts and sunglasses tend to block out Ultraviolet B rays (UVB).

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If you’re exposed to the rays of the sun on a regular basis then investing in a pair of good UVB blocking sunglasses is a cheap and easy action to take which only has benefits in the long run.


A healthy diet is crucial when it comes to preventing cataracts. Fruits and vegetables provide an abundance of antioxidants, and regular consumption of antioxidants is one of the most effective ways to maintain eye health.

It’s possible to take vitamin supplements in pill form, but the evidence on whether or not this works is not conclusive. This is why it’s key to include a lot of nutrients in the meals and snacks you consume on a daily basis.

Examples of healthy eye foods are vegetables such as kale, spinach, and carrots. These vegetables are high in Vitamin A, which is proven to benefit the photoreceptors, which is the part of the eye that detects light.

Overall, it’s important to maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet, that contains a variety of colourful fruit and vegetables.


Smokers are at a significantly higher risk of developing cataracts than non-smokers. Some studies suggest that smokers have double the chance of developing cataracts, and this increases over time.

Smoking also puts you at risk of other eye disorders such as macular degeneration. Quitting smoking isn’t easy for everyone, so you should contact your doctor for advice on how to safely put a stop to this habit.


The hustle and bustle of modern living can cause us to put things such as eye check-ups to the back of our minds. This is understandable, but it’s essential that you get regular eye check-ups.

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This is because with regular eye check-ups you can detect any issues at the earliest stage possible and begin to take action. A doctor or an optician will be able to tell you how often you should be getting your eyes checked.


You don’t have to quit drinking completely to prevent cataracts, but studies suggest that excessive drinking can increase your risk. Drinking more than 20 grams of alcohol a day is shown to increase cataract risk, so make sure you maintain healthy drinking habits.


High blood sugar can increase the risk of cataracts, so it is important to monitor this. Diseases such as diabetes can cause blood sugar levels to increase, so if you suffer from diabetes it is more likely that you will develop cataracts. Following the health guidelines and maintaining a balanced lifestyle has a wide variety of benefits that will address all of these issues.

Overall, you should follow the tips above if you’ve developed cataracts, or if you’re simply concerned about them. Following these simple tips will decrease your chances of developing this condition and lessen the likelihood of a severe case.

If you need more advice on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle then make sure to contact a health professional for more tips. Check out and their highly skilled team of professionals if your cataracts is in an advanced stage and you’re considering surgery.

Author’s Bio
Lesya Zvarun is a clinic manager who’s on a mission to spread the word on how to keep your vision in tip-top shape.

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