As people age, their joints may become stiffer, they might walk a little more slowly, and certain faculties like eyesight and hearing may not be as sharp as they once were. But that doesn’t mean senior citizens are not capable of doing many of the things they’ve always enjoyed, and one of those things is having sex. In fact, new research suggests that sustaining a robust love life into your golden years can help you feel good all-around.
The study, which was conducted at Anglia Ruskin University in the United Kingdom, found that maintaining an active sex life as a senior citizen is associated with a better quality of life and a closer relationship with a significant other. These results are based on an investigation that included 6,879 men and women living in the U.K. The subjects ranged in age from 50 to 89 and had an average age of approximately 65.
They answered questionnaires that included information on whether they were currently sexually active and, if so, how often they were having sex. In addition, there were statements listed for them to agree or disagree with—such as: “I enjoy the things that I do” and “I feel full of energy these days”—designed to assess the participants’ mindsets and overall sense of wellbeing. The researchers evaluated their responses and provided every volunteer with a score on a total life enjoyment scale from 0 to 15, using the pleasure subscale of the CASP-19 (Control, Autonomy, Self-realization, and Pleasure) measurement tool.
Those who reported any sex at all within the prior year were much more likely to receive high scores for their quality of life. Among men, those with active sex lives had an average life enjoyment score of 9.75, while the men who were not engaging in sex had an average score of approximately 9.44. Among sexually active women, the average score for life enjoyment was 9.86, compared to 9.67 among women not having sex. Although these differences in scores may seem to be very small, they were large enough to be statistically significant, offering evidence of a connection between sexual activity and greater quality of life.