Tag Archives: When

Headache when blood pressure is low

Your doctor may also recommend compression stockings if you have to stand for long periods. The measurement of your blood pumping through your arteries when the ventricles of the heart squeeze is called systolic pressure or systole. View more information about Pathophysiology of Orthostatic Intolerance. In the simplest of terms, SIH is a low-pressure headache.… Read More »

When should you check blood pressure

Download a PDF sheet that shows you how to measure your blood pressure properly. Learn what the numbers in your blood pressure reading mean. Note: A diagnosis of high blood pressure must be confirmed with a medical professional. A doctor should also evaluate any unusually low blood pressure readings. The American Heart Association recommends home… Read More »

When should cholesterol kick

High cholesterol is responsible for the ever growing number of health complications. Here is the difference. According to the NHS, as a general guide. One and half cup of cooked oatmeal supplies 6 gm of fiber, top it with an apple or a banana to get the extra gm of fiber and we are sorted.… Read More »

Is vitamin c good when pregnant

But no evidence shows its abortifacient nature. Show sources Mayo Clinic. In the subgroup analyses based on the type of supplement, vitamin C supplementation alone was associated with a reduced risk of preterm PROM average RR 0. World Health Organization. Among the first, malaria was considered the most important reason for anemia, but it is… Read More »