Tag Archives: Western

Less inflammation with a traditional Tanzanian diet than with a Western diet

Urban Tanzanians have a more activated immune system compared to their rural counterparts. The difference in diet appears to explain this difference: in the cities, people eat a more western style diet, while in rural areas a traditional diet is more common. A team of researchers from Radboud university medical center in the Netherlands, the… Read More »

High-fat diet with antibiotic use linked to gut inflammation: Combining Western diet and antibiotic use is a pre- IBD risk factor – Science Daily

UC Davis researchers have found that combining a Western-style high-fat diet with antibiotic use significantly increases the risk of developing pre-inflammatory bowel disease (pre-IBD). The study, published July 14 in Cell Host and Microbe, suggests that this combination shuts down the energy factories (mitochondria) in cells of the colon lining, leading to gut inflammation. Irritable… Read More »