'Widespread and dangerous': Facing medical uncertainty, doctors tell patients it's all in their heads

But that doctor was proved wrong when an MRI showed that the girl had acute flaccid myelitis or AFM, a polio-like disease that’s struck hundreds of children since 2014. Erin Olivera, mother of a child with AFM and founder of a private Facebook page for parents of 400 children with the disease, says Bailey’s experience… Read More »

Why are my breasts sore before a period?

The menstrual cycle can cause many symptoms, including sore breasts. Hormone fluctuations before a period can lead to breast tenderness or pain. Doctors do not fully understand what causes these breast symptoms, but they know that specific hormones are involved. People can take some measures to reduce breast discomfort. However, if their breast pain becomes… Read More »

‘Gel drops' developed to save eyesight, scientists found

The surface of the eye, known as the cornea, is usually transparent. But an eye infection or trauma can cause scarring on the surface, causing blurred vision or complete blindness. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an eye infection commonly associated with poor contact lens hygiene, is currently treated with drops that contain antibiotics and corticosteroids to reduce inflammation. These… Read More »