Tuberculosis Detection May Be Affected by Blood Draw Method

January 10, 2019 Share this content: Overall, QuantiFERON Gold and direct in-tube methods had the highest agreements. Healthcare workers participating in annual tuberculosis screening had differences in interferon (IFN)-γ level depending on blood draw methods, according to study results published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society. Whole blood samples from healthcare workers in… Read More »

Medical News Today: What is pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis is inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the back of the throat, or pharynx. This inflammation can cause discomfort, dryness, and difficulty swallowing. Pharyngitis is the medical term for a sore throat. Causes of pharyngitis include viral infections, such as common colds, and bacterial infections, such as group A Streptococcus. Pharyngitis is a… Read More »

Todo lo que necesita saber sobre la tifoidea

Se denomina tifoidea a una infección bacteriana que puede provocar diarrea, fiebre alta y vómitos. Esta infección puede ser mortal. Es causada por la bacteria Salmonella typhi. La infección a menudo se transmite a través de alimentos contaminados y agua potable, y es más frecuente en lugares en los que no es muy común lavarse… Read More »