Looking at children as the silent spreaders of SARS-CoV-2

In the most comprehensive study of COVID-19 pediatric patients to date, researchers provide critical data showing that children play a larger role in the community spread of COVID-19 than previously thought. In a study of 192 children ages 0-22, 49 children tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, and an additional 18 children had late-onset, COVID-19-related illness. The… Read More »

Quality of life ketogenic diet epilpesy

Medium-chain triglyceride MCT ketogenic therapy. Conservative schools advocate gradual escalation diet KD life from to by increasing relative quality of fat in diet epiilpesy few days. Brain Res. A formula-based KD can facilitate and improve the introduction of and adherence ketogenic the KD treatment for long periods in oral-fed children and can be especially practical… Read More »

Is potatoe good for low carb diet

Some high-carb foods obviously need to be avoided, such as sugar-sweetened beverages, cake, and candy. Yet, figuring out which staple foods to limit is more challenging. Some of these foods are even relatively healthy — just unsuitable for a low-carb diet due to their high number of carbs. Your total daily carb target determines whether… Read More »