Increasing Rate of Medical Mistakes and Misdiagnosis

Medical errors remain a leading cause of death in the U.S., where an estimated 795,000 people become permanently disabled or die every year due to misdiagnoses.1 Among hospitalized adults who died or were transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU), diagnostic errors are also disturbingly common.2 Describing diagnostic errors as “the most under-resourced public health… Read More »

Is Tart Cherry Worthy of the Hype?

Conventional cherries can be divided into two primary categories: sweet and tart (sour). While sweet and tart cherries share many of the same benefits,1,2,3,4 tart cherries have grown in popularity as a nutraceutical. Sweet varieties such as Bing cherries are usually eaten fresh, while Montmorency tart cherries are found in a variety of forms, including… Read More »