Mylan and Pfizer report new issues affecting some EpiPens that can delay treatment

More than a month after Mylan and Pfizer reported to Health Canada that there are new issues affecting some EpiPens, the companies and the FDA notified U.S. healthcare providers of the problem which can delay treatment when the pens are needed. Mylan, Pfizer and the FDA Friday reported that some pens and their authorized generic… Read More »

Not Exercising Kills Faster than Smoking

Those people who sit at their desks scorning the smokers outside the window might have to swallow their snickers if they haven’t been working out.  A new Cleveland Clinic study just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that shunning exercise is more lethal than taking up smoking or having diabetes or… Read More »

Cold Weather—More Heart Attacks

As winter approaches, most of us are doing our best to adjust to earlier nightfall and dropping temperatures. It can be hard to get motivated to do much of anything when it is so cold outside. And now, there is another reason to dislike the windy, wintry weather that will soon be upon us. New… Read More »

What is the difference between methylprednisolone and prednisone?

Methylprednisolone and prednisone are both corticosteroid medications. They have similar effects on the body but differ in their available forms and some of the side effects they cause. Both medications reduce inflammation, and people use them to relieve the symptoms of many health conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), lupus, and eczema. In this article,… Read More »