Obese Teenagers Benefit From Vitamin D Supplements

By | May 29, 2019

Vitamin D deficiency is usual in Americans, and particularly in overweight and obese teenagers, as reported by the National Institutes of Health. Researchers have discovered that giving obese teenagers a high daily dosage of vitamin D supplements (vitamin D3) is safe and also effective in boosting their vitamin D status.[1]

Obese teenagers have a greater risk for deficiency as they usually absorb vitamin D into their fat stores, which in turn stops it from being used in their blood. The researchers discovered that a daily dosage of 4,000 IUs of vitamin D supplements, the highest intake amount set by the Institute of Medicine, is both effective and safe at boosting vitamin D status in obese teenagers.

Vitamin D is acquired by consuming a number of foods, taking vitamin D supplements as well as by means of sunlight exposure. It is vital for having healthy bones, nerves, muscles and immunity. The Institute of Medicine recommend 600 IUs daily, with a tolerable upper daily allowance of 4,000 IUs. Using the guidelines, it’s essential to determine the effects of a vitamin D dose that is equal to the upper limit, particularly in groups like obese teenagers.

In the study, participants were randomly chosen to get a placebo or 4,000 IU/day of vitamin D supplements for 6 months as part of their normal treatment. All obese participants were at first deficient in vitamin D status. Participants taking vitamin D supplements had significantly higher increases in levels of 25OHD, the primary indicator of vitamin D status, in comparison to those who had been given the placebo.

Obese teenagers are only about 50 % as efficient at utilizing vitamin D as their lean counterparts. As an example, in lean teenagers it takes only about 100 IUs to elevate their serum 25OHD levels by 1 ng/ml. In obese teenagers, it requires about 200 IUs to get the same increase

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If obese teenagers only had the recommended 600 IUs, they’d be in trouble, said the researchers. It requires 4,000 IUs to increase their vitamin D status inside a sufficient range. This is a lot higher than the currently proposed daily amount in this age group. This suggests that physicians should carefully assess the vitamin D status in their obese and overweight patients.

Vitamin D Deficiency Infographic 900

Image Source – naturalhealthyconcepts

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