Women Fitness President Namita Nayyar talks to IFBB Pro Nathalie Schmidt about her incredible journey below.
Namita Nayyar:
You must have been interested in fitness and sports from an early age. Later you were encouraged & motivated to compete in fitness and bodybuilding competitions.You reached the pinnacle of success by achiving on becoming the IFBB Pro Women’s Physique competitor. Tell us about your journey that took you to the the world of fitness and as a participant in Professional Bodybuilder competitions?

Nathalie Schmidt:
At the age of 14, I began to do aerobics inspired by my 80ies role models Jane Fonda and Sidney Rome. In the 80ies I did their workouts hearing from the vinyl. In my parents house we also had a multi complete weight station, which I worked out after that. Especially my mother always was very sporty, she was a ballet dancer and also lifted weights until today.
I was fascinated by women like Rachel McLish and Cory Everson. I studied them in magazines and decided to have such a body one day! I think I always was some kind of a special girl, who always wanted to be different in mind and also in for example clothing. So, to achieve another kind of body was my goal ☺ From those days on I lift weights with big enthusiasm and willpower. I wanted such a muscular body and be on stage one day. My 1st competition was 2002, yes years after I began to workout, but I had to educate myself before. I studied teacher for primary school and opened a gym with my ex husband. After becoming german champion with my 1st competition I decided to compete international 2004 at the European championship. I reached the finals and 2005 I won the silver medal at the world championship.
I also did the Arnold Classic 2011 and won the bronce medal. After that the german federation proposed me for the pro card and I got it. 2012 I did my pro debut at the New York Pro. From 2012 on my life changed then….I fell in love with another man and we started to live our sport. We did lots of championships in the States and had the opportunity to see the whole world and met so many interesting and inspiring people.
Full Interview Continued On Next Page
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