4 Facts About Age-Related Hearing Loss

By | December 22, 2018
4 Facts About Age-Related Hearing Loss

4 Facts About Age-Related Hearing Loss : As human beings get older, our bodies have the tendency to break down somewhat. It’s nearly impossible to avoid this entirely, as the vitality and resilience of youth diminish. This is true as it relates to our senses, like our vision and hearing. Age-related hearing loss, in particular, is a situation with which many of us will have to deal to a lesser or greater extent. Here are four facts about it of which it is helpful to be aware.

You Can Protect Your Hearing Throughout Your Life

What you do throughout your life to protect your hearing is going to have an impact as you get older. We all think that we’re invincible when we’re young, but our actions and inactions earlier in life will make a difference in determining how much hearing loss we suffer as we age. This means that it is in your best interest to bring earplugs if you go to a loud concert. If you have a job in construction or anywhere there are noisy machines nearby, you should wear earmuffs or some other sort of protection. If you listen to music through earbuds, do so at a reasonable volume.

There are Hereditary Factors

Your genes also make a difference when it comes to hearing loss. Some bloodlines seem to lose their hearing as they get older, just as some people are prone to losing their hair or contracting certain cancers. There’s nothing you can do about the family into which you were born, but you should be aware that if your parents and grandparents dealt with hearing loss, the odds are higher that it will play a part in your life too.

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The Older You Get, the More Likely It Is

Getting older can be quite pleasant, as there is a reason these are called the Golden Years. Likely you’ll be retired and enjoying some peaceful, relaxing activities with your loved ones. You can catch up on your hobbies. However, if you look at the statistics, you’ll see that the older you get, the more likely it is that you will have some hearing loss. If you make it into your late seventies or older, the chances that you’ll have no hearing loss are diminished.

It Usually Happens in Both Ears

While hearing loss in one ear is indeed possible, the slow decline of hearing in both ears is more usual. Because it happens gradually, it can often be difficult for the afflicted person to realize what is happening until someone points it out to them.

Hearing loss as we get older can cause us to feel isolated or depressed. However, there are more solutions available these days than ever before. For instance, there’s a Miracle-Ear device for everyone, and there are many other options that have hit the market as well. Because of the advancements in hearing aid technology, losing your hearing is seldom as dire of a situation as it once was. Look into the various options that are on the market, and you’ll be delighted when your hearing is restored to you.

Related Videos about Age-Related Hearing Loss:

Tinnitus and age-related hearing loss: Mayo Clinic Radio

Addressing Untreated Age-Related Hearing Loss in a Primary Care Setting

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What is age-related hearing loss?

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Presbycusis (Hearing Loss Due to Aging)

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Related Infographics about Age-Related Hearing Loss:

Age related hearing loss
Study of hearing loss among US Adults aged 20 to 69
Hearing loss affects all generations
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Hearing Loss

4 Facts About Age-Related Hearing Loss

age related hearing loss frequencies, age related hearing loss audiogram, age related hearing loss tinnitus, age related hearing loss graph, hearing loss with age graph, hearing loss in the elderly is most commonly associated with, age related hearing loss presbycusis, how to prevent hearing loss in old age,

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