Tag Archives: Hungry

Hungry? Resting bodies burn more calories in late afternoon, early evening

In the name of biological science, it was a particularly big ask. Boston researchers kept seven people in windowless rooms for 37 days. No clocks, radios, televisions, phones or internet. Bedtimes were adjusted so that each night, participants went to sleep four hours later, throwing their body’s circadian rhythms so off balance the effect was… Read More »

4 Easy Ways To Eat Healthy And Never Go Hungry

The worst part about trying to follow a kilojoule-controlled eating plan has to be that constant feeling of being so, insatiably hungry. Even if you haven’t eaten, say, a vetkoek in years, as soon as you’re trying to clean up your eating, boom! You’re craving one. Unfair? Totally. Avoidable? Absolutely. Yes, you read that right.… Read More »