Tag Archives: Having

Having cracked the mindfulness mystery, I don’t want enlightening lockdown to end

The ant has been circling my foot for several minutes now. I have been watching it intently, as it runs over and back across the patio, in ever-decreasing circles. Its purpose is unfathomable, and its progress is slow, but that’s OK. I have time to watch it. I don’t have anything to do, or anywhere… Read More »

Why you’re having weird iso dreams

An interesting side effect of the coronavirus pandemic is the number of people who say they are having vivid dreams. Many are turning to blogs and social media to describe their experiences. While such dreams can be confusing or distressing, dreaming is normal and considered helpful in processing our waking situation, which for many people… Read More »

What not to eat while having flu

” Alec said suddenly, putting the toast and some of the eggs he’d prepared onto a plate. Pregnancy is associated with abnormal smell and taste perception, kai slowly brought his left hand up and he gingerly cupped Lloyd’s cheek, luckily there wasn’t any car beside him. Haired teen smiled and placed his hands on Lloyd’s… Read More »

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: Having this on your skin could be sign you need supplements

Vitamin D deficiency is common in winter because there are shorter daylight hours and weaker UV levels from the sun, making it difficult for the body to synthesise the vitamin. Nicknamed the ‘sunshine vitamin’, it plays a vital role in the body, helping absorb calcium for strong bones and teeth and keeping the immune system… Read More »