Writer’s Relief: CBD Oil as a Natural Cure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

By | September 20, 2018

Writer’s Relief: CBD Oil as a Natural Cure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

natural cure for carpal tunnel

Think about the world’s most dangerous jobs. You’ll probably find occupations like a firefighter, policeman, or shark diver near the top of the list.

What about writers? Not so much.

Okay, being a writer isn’t the most high-risk occupation. But there is something besides writer’s block that people need to worry about: carpal tunnel.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome refers to nerve irritation due to inflammation. This irritation can run from the elbows through the wrist and into the fingers. Carpal tunnel writer’s syndrome is fairly common, thanks to excessive keyboard use and typing.

Many writers are far too familiar with repetitive wrist pain. Don’t suffer in silence. Here’s what you need to know about using CBD oil as a natural cure for carpal tunnel syndrome.

When to Seek Treatment

You may have experience with carpal tunnel. But it can be difficult to sort out when you should seek treatment.

One telltale sign is if you are experiencing pain or numbness. Carpal tunnel tends to flare up in the fingers, but you might also feel these symptoms in your wrist and elbow. You should seek treatment if your pain persists and worsens during the night.

Carpal tunnel can also leave your hand feeling weak and tingling. As a writer, you should consult treatment if your carpal tunnel is interfering with your day-to-day work.

You might be wondering how to treat carpal tunnel naturally. Remedies need to reduce inflammation, relieve your pain, and aid in blood flow. That’s where CBD oil comes into play.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is a popular way to treat carpal tunnel at home. But what exactly is CBD oil?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical compound extracted from the cannabis plant. It contains several anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

CBD oil is extracted from both marijuana and hemp. There is a common misconception that CBD is similar to medical marijuana in that it gets users high.

In reality, CBD is non-psychoactive. It contains little to no THC, which is the active ingredient in marijuana that leaves users high. As a result, users can still function without feeling any of the effects of marijuana.

CBD oil isn’t regulated by the FDA. As a result, its properties and effectiveness depend largely on where you get it.

The plants species, extraction method, and grow method all make a difference. You should research the different types of CBD oil to find the right one for you.

Why it Works

CBD is an effective treatment for a variety of diseases. That’s thanks to its analgesic properties and impact on the brain.

The human body naturally creates its own cannabinoids. When CBD is introduced into the body, it influences cannabinoid receptors. There are two main cannabinoid receptors in the human body: CB1 and CB2.

CB1 receptors are prevalent throughout the brain. They help regulate pain, mood, emotions, and even motor skills. CB2 helps aid the immune system. It can impact inflammation, pain, and soreness.

CBD influences the body to produce more cannabinoids to bind to the receptors. As a result, patients often experience anti-inflammatory results after taking CBD.

CBD is a natural remedy that can heal the inflammation of soft tissues. It can also help with nerve damage and pain. These are all symptoms that closely associate with carpal tunnel.CBD’s effectiveness on carpal tunnel is largely anecdotal. For the most part, CBD has yet to be scientifically proven to treat diseases. Much like cannabis for carpal tunnel, the full science of CBD isn’t known.

In the future, more research will surface about CBD as a treatment method. For the time being, you can try it yourself to experience the results firsthand.

Finding CBD Oil

Taking CBD oil is only half the battle. Thanks to legal barriers, finding CBD oil isn’t always a walk in the park.

CBD oil from marijuana is still federally illegal. Since CBD comes from cannabis, you can expect to face the same legal barriers as marijuana.

Marijuana is still a Schedule 1 drug in most states. But medical and recreational marijuana are on the rise. In fact, marijuana is legal in nine states and medical marijuana is legal in 30 states.

If you live in a state where marijuana is legal, you can find CBD oil at a local dispensary. You can also find a purchase CBD oil online. View here to learn more.

Are you in a state where marijuana is still illegal? Don’t worry.

CBD oil from hemp is legal throughout the United States. Though it differs from marijuana-based CBD, hemp CBD is still an effective natural remedy.

The future looks bright CBD as a treatment for carpal tunnel. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently approved the use of CBD to treat two rare forms of epilepsy. This shows that the FDA may consider CBD as a viable treatment for carpal tunnel in the future.

Taking CBD Oil

Taking CBD oil might sound intimidating. But it’s as easy as taking your morning vitamins.

CBD oil is traditionally taken orally. It comes in a small bottle with a dropper that lets you determine your dosage.

Shake your bottle before use. This will get rid of any residue stuck to the bottom of the bottle.

Squeeze the dropper until it collects the proper dosage. Apply the dropper underneath your tongue and release.

If you’re nervous about taking CBD oil, ask an employee for instructions at your dispensary. They can demonstrate the correct method and also let you know the proper dosage.

You may also want to ask them about the right strain. You should aim for a high-CBD, low-THC oil to help with your symptoms. Keep in mind that strains and concentrations vary greatly from crop to crop.

A Natural Cure for Carpal Tunnel

CBD oil provides a great natural cure for carpal tunnel. You don’t have to suffer through another day of painful typing and sore wrists. Try CBD oil to reduce your symptoms and get back to your normal life.

Are you looking for more information on CBD? We can help. Check out our health blog for more CBD advice.

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