Why refuse flu vaccine

By | June 29, 2020

why refuse flu vaccine

Sociocognitive predictors of the intention of healthcare workers to receive the influenza vaccine in Belgian, Dutch and German hospital settings. Reply My son has the same experience. Qual Health Res. Personal choice or evidence-based nursing intervention: nurses’ decision-making about influenza vaccination. Influenza vaccination among healthcare workers: ten-year experience of a large healthcare organization. He remained unconvinced. This mistrust was often enhanced by the experience of the Swine flu epidemic of — a topic, which arose in three-quarters of all interviews and generally had a negative effect on their perception of the influenza vaccine and the decision to receive it. My sister is facing the same fate. It might be argued that these attitudes and values have been shaped to some extent by the development of the nursing profession from a self- sacrificing profession dominated by others to a self-determined profession with nurses defining the standards of their work.

Metrics details. To explore reasons of non-vaccinated nursing staff for declining seasonal influenza vaccination. The annual influenza vaccination of healthcare workers reduces morbidity and mortality among vulnerable patients. Still, vaccination rates remain very low, particularly in nursing staff. While several studies have explored barriers for healthcare workers to get vaccinated, most have used a quantitative approach. Data were collected by in-depth individual semi-structured interviews with 18 nurses from a range of fields, positions in organizational hierarchy, work experience and hospitals in two German-speaking cantons in Switzerland. Interviews were transcribed and analysed using conventional content analysis. Three interconnected themes explaining why nurses decline influenza vaccination were identified: Firstly, the idea of maintaining a strong and healthy body, which was a central motif for rejecting the vaccine.

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Flu why vaccine refuse

Every year, health officials warn people to get their flu shots. Br J Gen Pract. Umfrage zur Grippeimpfung. This kind of evidence generation is recommended for the development of complex behavioural change interventions [ 17 ]. Hygiene and masks work better than the shot. Reply My son works for the county health dept in the office.